Leasing and Financing Solutions

Make the Right Choice with Our Experts

Choosing the right financing or leasing plan can be very difficult, especially if you don't have all of the information necessary. At Land Rover Royal Oak, we will be happy to help you choose the right plan according to your financial goals and expectations. We can also explain the pros and cons of leasing and financing to guide you in the right direction.

In general, financing is more appropriate if you’re looking to keep your vehicle for more than five years or if you have to travel more than 25,000 kilometres annually. Leasing is more advantageous when you’re looking to reduce your monthly payment or when you enjoy replacing your vehicle every three or four years. Leasing is also more advantageous if you have a business and want to put down the vehicle in its name. Let the experts at Land Rover Royal Oak help you make the right choice when finding a solution that suits your needs.

Make the Right Choice with Our Experts
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